
  • Residential landlords are under pressure to keep on top of a raft of new legislation and guidelines this year, including many protections for tenants extended by the government during the...

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  • Don’t hold your breath before 4 May: A Landlord’s Guide to Chasing Bad Debts. Since March 2020 the Government has introduced a raft of protections to protect Tenants from financial...

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  • If you have a great idea for developing a piece of unused land, you may find that you need to get control of some neighbouring property to provide access or...

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  • With the UK economy currently in the deepest recession since records began, disputes between landlords and tenants are beginning to rise as pressure mounts on commercial occupiers to find ways...

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  • Rates Mitigation

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    The recent Court of Appeal decision of London Borough of Southwark v Ludgate House Ltd 2020 puts into doubt the effectiveness of guardianship schemes as a rates mitigation strategy. A...

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  • Construction Contracts and Covid-19

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    We appreciate that the Covid-19 pandemic is causing significant issues to our clients, both on the contractor and developer side. Below we set out some of the common issues. Force...

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  • Selling a property in France

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    Despite the devastating impact the coronavirus pandemic has had on us over the past year, none of us can lose sight of the fact that the UK is shortly to...

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  • As the economic impact of the pandemic grows, many commercial landlords are struggling to collect rent and enforce their business tenants’ other lease obligations. While the Government has acted to...

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  • Tenancy Agreements

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    As a landlord, it is important to consider the wording of tenancy agreements. The wording in clauses can significantly impact your rights and property if not drafted correctly. The recent...

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  • In this special feature, our commercial property team provide snapshots of the latest commercial property law news throughout November. A tenant covenant to keep premises in ‘condition’ is more onerous...

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  • Recent case law (Capitol Park Leeds Plc v Global Radio Services Ltd) has established that removal of landlord’s fixtures where vacant possession is a condition of break will preclude a...

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  • In this special feature, our commercial property team provide snapshots of the latest commercial property law news throughout October. Landlord insurance windfall precluded Until recently, only where the property was...

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