Land owners

  • What is a Restrictive Covenant?

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    Restrictive covenants play a crucial role in property law, shaping how land and property can be used and developed. This article is an overview of what they are and what...

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  • Get fit for the future?

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    As our farming clients continue to battle with circumstances well beyond their control (coronavirus, extreme weather conditions, flooding, reduced environmental payments as well as increased price uncertainty post Brexit), we...

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  • New Year resolutions for partnerships

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    With New Year looming, many will be thinking about resolutions for 2020 and in turn if any changes will be forthcoming about who will be running the business for them...

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  • Every Landowner Should Do This!

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    A bone of contention for almost every landowner are public rights of way, particularly for those landowners who own land close to the urban fringe, or with development potential. Many...

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