• Further to the Job Support Scheme (JSS) being announced on 24 September 2020, we are pleased to confirm that it has been announced today (22 October 2020) that the Government...

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  • Job Support Scheme Extended

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    Please read our updated article with further information here – The Job Support Scheme (JSS) has been extended. Last month the government announced how under the JSS employers will...

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  • The Chancellor has set out details of the Job Retention Bonus to be paid out to employers next year. It is for employers who have furloughed workers and retained them...

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  • New Coronavirus Regulations

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    The Government put in place new regulations that came into force as of midnight last night (effective from 28 September 2020) in England. The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Self-Isolation) (England)...

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  • New Job Support Scheme

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    Following on from Boris Johnson’s announcement earlier this week that there would be a series of new restrictions to try to stop the spread of coronavirus, the Chancellor yesterday revealed...

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  • A Return to Homeworking

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    After several weeks of the government campaigning for people to return to the office in hope to boost economic recovery, the Prime Minister is now urging those who can work...

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  • Yesterday saw the Prime Minister announce further Coronavirus measures in an attempt to slow down the spread of COVID-19 including new rules on face coverings. Following Boris Johnson’s announcement, an...

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  • In the recent case of Varnish v British Cycling, the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has ruled that a professional sportsperson who is paid by lottery grants and sponsorship is not...

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  • The Government has issued further guidance here regarding the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) Bonus also known as the “Furlough Bonus” which is to be made available to employers who...

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  • Health & safety in the workplace

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    Under Health and Safety law, employers must ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the health and safety of their staff at work and that persons not in their employment (such...

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  • The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy announced yesterday, 30 July 2020, that the government will be bringing in a new law to ensure furloughed employees receive statutory redundancy...

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  • Avoid discrimination when making decisions in response to COVID-19 Despite the extraordinary nature of this situation, employers are still under legal obligations to ensure the decisions made in response to...

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