
  • The subject of ‘Protected Conversations’ has recently been raised in the Employment Appeal Tribunal. What are they? They are ‘off the record’ discussions aimed at mutually agreeing termination of employment....

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  • Industry mouthpiece the Retail Gazette estimates that UK shoppers are set to spend around £24.4billion (yes, billion) on Christmas this year, with the average spend per person close to £500....

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  • Public Rights of Way

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    While we stood reviewing court paperwork in the middle of a field last week, my farmer client regarded two individuals walking their dogs past us. The walkers were taking advantage...

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  • In 1997, when Brian Harvey was fired from East 17 and the BBC first aired the Teletubbies, big things were also happening in the trademark and chocolatier world – Toblerone’s...

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  • Make yourself clear

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    One of the first things we learn in law school is that any statement, written or spoken, can be ambiguous and open to interpretation if not carefully drafted or expressed....

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  • When tweets become twibels….

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    Every business using social media should get to grips with publishing law and advertising regulations if they are to avoid reputation-damaging incidents. The reminder follows the news that opinion columnist...

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  • Two recent cases which have seen families losing out after legal action include two brothers who have run up fees of more than their entire inheritance by disputing a stepmothers’...

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  • What should a landlord do on discovering that its tenant has made an unauthorised assignment of its lease to a third party without the landlord’s prior knowledge or consent? Unfortunately,...

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  • The courts are increasingly encouraging organisations with commercial disputes to resolve their differences by Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). This can take the form of an independent assessment, joint settlement meeting or mediation....

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  • Terminating Franchise Agreements

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    The close relationship between a Franchisor and Franchisee is perhaps unique in the commercial world. As a result, unfortunately it is common for a Franchisor and Franchisee to fall out...

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  • Companies hoping for a return to full production after December’s severe weather and Christmas look set to be disappointed with the first snowfall of January working its way across the...

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