Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) refers to alternative ways of resolving disputes without the need for a trial, by settling a dispute outside of the courtroom. You can use ADR to...
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Businesses may need to send someone to court for a variety of reasons; from recovering an unpaid debt or contractual overpayment, to defending a personal injury claim or tax action...
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The purpose of medical negligence litigation is to compensate those who have suffered avoidable injury as a result of substandard medical treatment. It is not a system designed to punish...
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In a catastrophic case, one of the most pressing issues is securing an interim payment of damages as soon as liability has been established, which essentially means an acceptance on...
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Since late March 2020 the majority of Court cases have been held remotely where possible, apart from criminal trials involving a jury, which stopped completely for a while and then...
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The outbreak of coronavirus (Covid-19) has left many of our client’s wondering what will happen to their court case. Whilst the situation is ever changing as the country responds to...
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A new online service should cut the stress of applying for a divorce according to the Ministry of Justice, but family law professionals say it’s likely to benefit only those...
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