
  • Windpipe surgery success

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    Posted 25/07/2012 It was reported today that the first child to have ground breaking surgery to rebuild his windpipe is doing very well. He is now 13, growing normally and...

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  • Posted 16/07/2012 The government has announced it is to bring in tribunal fees in a bid to encourage more workers and their employers to settle disputes through mediation and arbitration.But...

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  • Posted 20/06/2012 Jobs are going to be lost in Suffolk as a result of the liquidation of a plumbing company.A meeting of creditors of Saunders Plumbing and Heating has been...

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  • Posted 21/06/2012 Over 80 guests from local businesses attended the third Business Breakfast Club at Wherstead Park, Ipswich yesterday. This annual business event is organised by Ashtons Legal Solicitors, HSBC...

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  • Inquests into death overseas

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    Posted 26/06/2012 Coroners perform a hugely important role in ensuring a proper investigation into the death of anyone who dies in unusual circumstances. This doesn’t just apply to deaths in...

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  • Posted 18/07/2012 New figures from the Office for National Statistics have revealed the employment rate is higher in the east of England than any other part of the UK.Data unveiled...

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  • Posted 05/05/2011 Two brothers are facing each other in court after one accused the other of unfairly dismissing him from his position in their company. Jason and Justin Williams were...

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  • Posted 19/08/2012 Customers of a blinds company in Norfolk have been left out of pocket after the organisation went into liquidation.Melton Blinds’ new business address at the Flitcham Barns workshop...

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  • Benefits in resuscitating for longer

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    Posted 04/09/2012 Researchers at the University of Washington have reviewed what is the largest in-hospital cardiac arrest registry collected by the American Heart Association between 2000 and 2008.  They have...

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  • Cosmetic Damage Claims

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    Posted 21/06/2012 Road Traffic Claims are generally associated with neck and back pain unless it was a very serious accident resulting in catastrophic injury. Occasionally the impact can cause seatbelt...

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  • Discount rates review

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    Posted 19/08/2012 Justice secretary Kenneth Clarke has at last opened talks amidst concerns that claimants are missing out on the full value of their claims.The discount rate, as it is...

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  • Posted 12/05/2011 The number of people looking to remortgage their properties in 2011 may have increased, as one organisation has reported strong activity in the sector so far this year. According...

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