Women ‘are losing out on top jobs’

  • Posted

Posted 19/03/2010

Women are losing out on executive jobs, despite usually performing better in interviews than their male counterparts.

This is the discovery of a new poll by TheLadders.co.uk, which found that 59 per cent of employers think women have the edge during the application process.

However, 51 per cent said men are expected by society to be placed in leadership roles, while 42.7 per cent reported giving top jobs to men because they fear women will leave to have children too soon.

Derek Pilcher, managing director of TheLadders.co.uk, said that given women’s positive performance during interviews, they should be securing more top positions.

“What is concerning is the unspoken reasons for not employing women and in particular the fear of losing female management after they have had children,” he added.

Figures from the Fawcett Society show that women in full-time employment are paid an average of 17.1 per cent less an hour than men in the same roles.


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