TUC criticises plans to extend unfair dismissal claims period

  • Posted

Posted 20/04/2011

The Trades Union Congress (TUC) has criticised government proposals to only allow employees to make claims for unfair dismissal after two years in their job rather than one.

Lord Young said on BBC Radio 4 last November that he thinks this would help to increase employment, but TUC general secretary Brendan Barber said it would discriminate against black and ethnic groups, women, disabled people and young people.

He explained that the organisation believes the proposals are heavily weighted in favour of employers and would cause three million workers to suffer unfair treatment and insecurity.

“It’s disappointing that ministers seem so keen to boost bad employment practices,” Mr Barber added.

The two-year period for claims for unfair dismissal to be made was last in place in 1999.

Anyone who feels they have been the victim of this issue may be able to take their case to an employment law tribunal, so it may be wise to seek the assistance of a specialist solicitor.


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