TUC calls for government to help older workers

  • Posted

Posted 11/08/2009

The government has been urged to offer tailored support to older people to stop them from being forced into early retirement against their wishes.

According to the TUC, it is right that younger Britons are being offered specialised help, because being out of work at a young age can have long-term consequences.

However, the group said the government cannot afford to overlook the interests of older people, as they have the skills and experience to see the UK through the recession.

Brendan Barber, general secretary of the TUC, commented: “The idea of forcing older workers out of the labour market is morally offensive and would cause economic chaos.”

He stated that if vital skills and experience are lost, young people may not be in a position to adequately replace their older peers.

In addition, Mr Barber warned that those who are forced into early retirement could end up living their twilight years in poverty, as they may not have sufficient pension provision.

This comes shortly after the Employers Forum on Age warned that many company bosses are breaching employment law by discriminating on the basis of a person’s age.


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