Survey reveals gap in Equality Act knowledge over cancer

  • Posted

Posted 26/10/2010

New research has suggested that employers may need to do more if they are to avoid breaching new employment law regarding cancer.

According to Cancer Research UK and Macmillan Cancer Support, a large proportion of employers are unaware of their legal responsibilities to staff diagnosed with the condition, which is covered under the newly-implemented Equality Act 2010.

This legislation means companies must consider requests such as flexible working hours or physical adjustments to the workplace.

However, just under half of respondents diagnosed with cancer said their employer had never discussed any such issues with them and 40 per cent did not know the condition was covered under the Disability Discrimination Act.

Consequently, four in ten people of working age diagnosed with cancer said they have had to make changes in their jobs, with half leaving altogether or swapping to a different career.

Anyone affected by discrimination while suffering from cancer may need to seek the advice of an employment law expert, as they could have grounds for a compensation claim.


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