School employee wins personal injury claim for toilet fall

  • Posted

Posted 30/08/2011

A woman who works in a school has won thousands of pounds of personal injury compensation after an accident in which she fell off a toilet.

Marie Wallace, 64, was standing on the bowl in order to reach a window to open it when it toppled and she fell with it landing on her, resulting in the employee suffering severe injuries to her foot as a result, reports the Scotsman.

It was ruled that Glasgow City Council should have foreseen Ms Wallace would want to open a window in the toilets and provided a pole to enable her to reach the lever.

“Those toilets were used by more than 20 females employed in the school,” pointed out Lord Clarke.

“After having used the toilet, Ms Wallace wished to open the window in order to ventilate the cubicle.”

KCJ’s Tim Gleave has won a number of ‘toilet injury’ claims for clients in the past, including one where someone fell off a faulty seat in a restaurant toilet and injured themselves and one where a toilet cistern broke and fell on someone’s head causing injury. 

‘Workplace injuries’ are of course more common than ‘toilet injuries’ and the Ashtons Legal personal injury team will be happy to give you individual advice irrespective of the circumstances of your injury.


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