£33,500 for failure to diagnose heart infection

  • Posted

Posted 04/12/2012

Sharon Allison, a medical injury lawyer at Ashtons Legal, has obtained a settlement of £33,500 for Mrs P after doctors failed to diagnose her endocarditis for a period of at least four months longer than should have been the case. Although Mrs P had a history of cardiac problems, prompt diagnosis and treatment would have minimised the amount of surgery and therapy she required. In particular she would have avoided the need for an aortic valve replacement, the complication of a massive haemorrhage and deep vein thrombosis, and post-operative pneumonia.  

Sharon comments: “We see too many cases of delayed diagnosis. It stands to reason that the earlier an illness is diagnosed and treated correctly, the less treatment is likely to be required as well as ensuring that the patient experiences the minimum possible pain and suffering. Accurate, prompt diagnosis is one of the keys to saving money in the NHS as well as improving patient satisfaction.”Read more about our Medical Injury services.


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