£20,000 settlement obtained following tragic death of baby

  • Posted

Posted 20/12/2013

£20,000 settlement obtained following tragic death of baby

Ashtons Legal medical injury specialist Sharon Allison has obtained a £20,000 settlement for her client, Ms T, whose baby died within a week of being born.  A series of medical errors occurred during Ms T’s labour, in particular in relation to the monitoring of her baby’s condition.  Her baby was eventually born by caesarean section but was in poor condition and, in spite of being cared for in a special care baby unit, died a few days later. The hospital admitted that with appropriate and timely care Ms T’s baby would have been delivered at least 40 minutes earlier and would then have survived.

Sharon Allison comments: “No amount of money can make up for the loss of a child and, like most people who bring a claim of this sort, Ms T’s motivation was highlighting flaws in the system in the hope that these will be corrected and no one else will have to endure what she has suffered.”


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