£170,000 obtained for lorry driver who suffered serious psychological injuries

  • Posted

Posted 16/10/2014

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Roger Loomes, a personal injury specialist at Ashtons Legal, has obtained a settlement of £170,000 for a Suffolk lorry driver who suffered serious Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after another lorry crashed into him from behind at around 50 mph as he was slowing down ready to park. Although he suffered fairly modest physical injuries, the psychological damage caused by his near death experience and seeing the other lorry’s detached cab come past him after the impact, followed by witnessing the other driver break his way out from the cab and walk away virtually unscathed, were devastating and have had a profound effect.

Roger comments: “PTSD claims can be complex as the psychological effects of an incident are not always as easy to prove and quantify as physical injuries. These are the sorts of claim which are best handled by a specialist lawyer who is able to see the injured person regularly face to face to gauge more accurately the real impact of the injuries and provide vital support throughout the claim process as was required in this case.


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