Peter Sellers ‘tried to change his Will in favour of eldest daughter’

  • Posted

Posted 25/07/2010

A new legal document has been discovered which shows that Peter Sellers intended to leave his fortune to his eldest daughter and not his estranged wife.

The comedy actor’s Will named his fourth wife Lynne Frederick as the benefactor of his estate and she received his assets when he died of a heart attack in July 1980.

However, a letter that has now gone up for auction shows that Sellers tried to change his Will in favour of Victoria, his daughter with Brit Ekland.

‘The trustees shall hold, manage, invest, reinvest the trust property for the benefit of Victoria Sellers, daughter of the grantor, born January 20, 1965 upon the following terms,’ the letter states before going on to lay down conditions.

However, Sellers collapsed on the same day he signed the paperwork (July 22nd 1980) and it was never filed.

Ms Frederick inherited most of his estate, while Victoria received only


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