Personal injury compensation sought by biker after road crash
Posted 15/12/2010
A motorcyclist is pursuing personal injury compensation totaling £300,000 following an accident that saw him need lengthy hospital treatment.
The compensation claim by Burjim Shala of Southend relates to an incident that took place on November 2nd 2007 between himself and motorist Victoria Reed, who knocked him from his vehicle, the Essex Echo reports.
His injuries included fractured ribs, five fractured vertebrae, a severe brain injury and the need for surgery on his right hand.
Mr Shala continues to be in great discomfort following the accident and suffers back pain and neurological issues.
According to the High Court papers submitted by Mr Shala’s lawyers: “He is at risk of developing post-traumatic epilepsy and is seeking an order allowing him to return to court for more damages if his condition deteriorates and he develops epilepsy.”
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents states that despite motorcyclists making up just one per cent of traffic on the UK’s roads, riders are involved in 20 per cent of all serious injuries and deaths that take place each year.
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