Norwich council calls for power of care

  • Posted

Posted 23/07/2009

Norwich County Council is backing calls for changes to the law, which would allow carers to make important decisions on behalf of those they look after.

The authority said introducing a “power of care” would give carers more authority to organise and negotiate with organisations such as the social services.

This would act in a similar way to the existing rules regarding the power of attorney, but would give greater powers to those who care for someone capable of making decisions but struggling to organise their care requirements.

Speaking to the Norwich Evening News, council leader Steve Morphew commented: “We could not believe it did not exist already.

“It just seems so obvious.”

Bob Cronk, head of community services at Norwich City Council, added that rules regarding a power of care need to be developed and attached to existing power of attorney legislation.

This comes shortly after the government unveiled its green paper outlining possible reforms to care services in England.

Health secretary Andy Burnham acknowledged that carers across the country face “intolerable pressures” every day.


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