New regulations on the conversion of agricultural buildings

  • Posted

Posted 01/05/2014

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New regulations which permit the conversion of agricultural buildings to residential use came into effect on 6th April. The regulations apply to all agricultural buildings and not just those that are redundant. However, there is a sting in the tail, in that if the rights to convert are utilized, there is a withdrawal of permitted development rights for new agricultural buildings for a period of 10 years from when the regulations are first in force.

The regulations permit up to three dwellings, provided the completed development remains within the footprint of the original building. The total floor area of the whole development must not exceed 450 square metres.

Prior to the exercise of the rights, there is a need for prior notification to the Local Authority. This is the same process as for some proposed agricultural dwellings at present. There are various matters the Local Authority will have to determine, such as access, pollution, flood risk and so on. These are all matters that will require careful consideration with advisors prior to any proposal coming forward.

Bob McGeady, Head of Planning at Ashtons Legal, said: “Whilst these regulations and the freedoms they introduce are to be welcomed, they are not the panacea that was anticipated leading to a rural building bubble. Government has balanced the need to re-use agricultural buildings with the need to protect the countryside, and may feel that the withdrawal of permitted development rights for other agricultural buildings militates against the gains that might be realised.”

For further information or advice, please contact Bob McGeady (Head of Planning) on 07714  281254 or Jonathan Long (Head of Agriculture & Estates) on 01284 727012.


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