MoD battles compensation claims from veterans

  • Posted

Posted 11/05/2010

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has appealed against a decision which would allow ten ex-servicemen to pursue compensation claims against it.

More than 1,000 men were involved in atomic weapons testing in Australia, the Monte Bello islands and Christmas Island in the 1950s and many have since developed skin cancers, fertility problems and other conditions which they claim are linked to the radiation the MoD did not protect them from.

In June 2009, a judge at the High Court ruled that ten of the servicemen should be eligible to claim compensation based on new knowledge about cancers and radiation.

However, the MoD is now arguing that although it has a “debt of gratitude” to the former soldiers, they should not be entitled to claim personal injury compensation because they are outside the legal time limit.

The organisation also denies negligence.

As with any employer, the MoD is required by law to provide as safe a working environment as possible.

Anyone who feels that they have not benefited from this and have been hurt as a result should seek the advice of a personal injury solicitor.


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