Man challenges Will after father ‘leaves

  • Posted

Posted 17/10/2010

The Will of a 65-year-old who died of terminal cancer is currently being argued in court to determine who is the rightful owner of the inheritance.

Major Stephen Napier and Catherine Brooks, the children of Charles Napier, believe they have a right to their father’s assets, but a challenge has come from Rowena Ferneley, the man’s mistress.

Ms Ferneley contends that Mr Napier promised “virtually everything” to her on his deathbed, but no documentation has been found to reflect this – indeed, no Will has been discovered at all.

She told the newspaper: “Charles told me before going into hospital for a hip replacement operation that if he went he would leave everything to me. Charles told me he had cut his children out of his life a long time ago.”

His children are accused of having hidden or destroyed the Will to hide the fact that it favours Ms Ferneley.

If the document is not found, Major Napier will be deemed to have died intestate and the money will go to his children. 

In related news, a woman who was left £380,000 in a Will left by an elderly lady months before she died was recently ordered to pay the money back after it emerged that an earlier document stated the money should go to her family.


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