Inquest investigating the death of Peterborough woman and her sons concludes

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Posted 01/08/2011

An inquest into the death of Susan Talby and her sons Joseph and Paul concluded today. Peterborough Coroner, Gordon Ryall, gave a verdict that Susan took her own life while suffering from a mental illness and that the death of her sons was unlawful killing.

Susan, 42, lived in Werrington with husband Richard and sons Joseph, 4, and Paul, 2. Richard returned from a business trip on 1st March 2007 to find his wife and children dead in their family home.

Mrs Talby had a history of depression, most notably suffering from post-natal depression after Paul’s birth in 2005. She had subsequently threatened to harm herself and her two children, and had spent a month as a voluntary patient at the Edith Cavell hospital undergoing assessment and being prescribed suitable drug treatment. By September 2006 she had ceased taking any anti-depressant drugs, but remained in regular contact with her GP and a health visitor. Sadly, by March 2007 her mental state had deteriorated to the extent that she took the lives of her two young children, and subsequently her own.

Members of Susan’s immediate family were represented at the inquest by medical injury lawyer Sharon Allison of Ashtons Legal, and barrister Richard Baker.

Ms Allison explains: “We’ve seen over the last three days many examples of healthcare professionals working in complete isolation of each other, and whilst it is encouraging that systems appear to have improved, this is too late for Susan, Joseph and Paul”.

A spokesperson for the family said: “Members of Susan’s family feel very disappointed and let down by the lack of communication and support from many of the healthcare professionals involved in the care of Susan, Joseph and Paul. They genuinely believe that there were lost opportunities which may have resulted in a different outcome. They will always be sadly missed”.


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