Equal parenting rights to be enshrined in law

  • Posted

Posted 17/09/2012

The Government has announced plans to introduce a legal presumption of shared parenting after divorce.

The move is intended to ensure that the child’s welfare comes first. According to the Government, only 12% of children live with the father after a divorce, and studies show that children with “highly-involved dads develop better friendships, more empathy and higher levels of educational achievement and self-esteem.”

While critics argue that the change could lead to more appeals that clog up the courts, equal rights groups have welcomed the proposal. Ken Sanderson, CEO of Families Need Fathers, commented: “These proposals are not just about those families who end up in court. The law provides the context in which those who come to private arrangements approach post-separation parenting, and it is crucial that an expectation is set that all parents should continue to maintain a meaningful relationship with their children.”

If you are considering divorce proceedings and are concerned about your residence and contact rights, please contact us.


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