Employment law change on paternity ‘is a positive step’

  • Posted

Posted 01/02/2010

A family charity has welcomed proposed employment law changes which will introduce greater flexibility for new fathers who want to take time off work.

Families Need Fathers has forecast that suggested measures to allow parents to share periods of paid leave between them will bring benefits both for workers and for businesses.

According to the government proposals, fathers will be able to take advantage of additional paternity leave during the second six months of a child’s life, should the mother wish to return to work before the end of her maternity leave allocation.

This move is designed to give parents more flexibility and choice over how they use their allotted period of leave.

Becky Jarvis, policy officer at Families Need Fathers, said this would benefit mothers as it will allow them to return to work more quickly while remaining confident their child is being looked after.

She added that it will assist businesses by being “good for productivity”.


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