EHRC calls for employment law protection for working fathers

  • Posted

Posted 19/10/2009

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has called for fathers to be given greater protection under employment law as they attempt to balance their professional and personal responsibilities.

A new study published by the body has revealed that a large proportion of male workers are choosing not to take time off or pursue flexible working options because they feel it will damage their careers.

This is despite 40 per cent of those polled expressing concern that they spend too little time with their children.

As a result, the EHRC has recommended that more generous provision of paternity leave be enshrined in employment law in order to protect the interests of working fathers.

Andrea Murray, acting group director of strategy at the body, also suggested that firms who do implement such schemes may increase their standing among workers.

She said: “This highlights an opportunity for British businesses to use flexible working as an incentive for attracting and retaining the most talented of employees.”

Last week, the EHRC called for medium-sized businesses to monitor gender pay gaps in their working practices in order to reduce levels of discrimination against female workers.


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