Cuts in NHS hearing services

  • Posted

Posted 22/10/2012

The BBC reported today that an investigation by campaigners suggests NHS hearing services are being scaled back in England. Data obtained by Action on Hearing Loss from 128 hospitals found more than 40% had seen cuts in the past 18 months. In particular, the study found evidence of rises in waiting times and reductions in follow-up care.

The report is the latest in a growing number to have suggested front-line care is being rationed as the health service struggles with finances. This comes at a time when the NHS is in the middle of a £20bn five-year savings drive. The Government believes the savings can be made by increasing productivity.

Sophie Bales, medical injury solicitor at Ashtons Legal, comments:

“This is yet another news story reporting that front-line care is being rationed in response to the £20 billion savings drive. This story suggests that patients with hearing loss are already being affected by cuts. This concerns me greatly as patients with hearing loss should be receiving consistent and quality care and services.

Furthermore, making these cuts is very short-sighted and likely to be a false economy as it is probable it will lead to higher NHS and social care costs to support people with untreated hearing loss. A short term cut now could lead to long term financial consequences for the NHS and Government”.


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