Critical staffing problems cause concern

  • Posted

Posted 22/05/2012

An independent panel has said that Cardiac Services at Glasgow’s Sick Children’s Hospital “may be unsafe” if “critical staffing problems” are not addressed. The review raised concerns including a “lack of leadership and coherent team working”. Of the 31 areas reviewed, 19 were rated poor, 1 as inadequate, 6 as acceptable, 3 as good and 2 as excellent.It is understood that Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS have confirmed that an action plan was being put in place to address the areas which could be improved. The Health Board stressed that its cardiac services at the Royal Hospital for Sick children were both safe and sustainable. There have been two evaluations at the hospital, one being a self evaluation in 2011 and a second one carried out by an independent panel.Julie Crossley, a clinical negligence lawyer at Ashtons Legal, comments: “We act for clients in Scotland who are referred to us by a national Union, so we are always interested in any concerns regarding Scottish Health. In this case it is worrying that there has been a review and that standards are clearly not as high as they should be. It is hoped that following this review the action plan will improve the situation”.


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