Court of Protection team: Who am I ?
Posted 10/03/2016
To help our clients get to know our Court of Protection team a bit better, and for many to help put a face to a name, a new ‘Who am I?’ feature has been introduced to our Court of Protection E-news. As team administrator, Christina Findell, has regular phone contact with many case managers and other professionals but doesn’t usually get to meet them, we felt she would be the perfect team member to feature first.
Take it away Christina!
How long have you been working at Ashtons Legal?
In September this year I will have been with the firm seven years.
What is your current role?
My current role is administrator for the court of protection team. My main duties are to support the Relationship Managers and Deputies in the day to day managing of our clients and their families. Helping and assisting when required from anything to everything for example, setting up insurances, taking out a TV licence, arranging for approved tradespeople to attend the property and carry out repairs to their homes, booking theatre tickets, ordering of specialised equipment and many more such tasks.
What do you enjoy most about your role?
What I enjoy most about my role is the feeling that I am hopefully making a difference to people’s lives by helping make things that little bit easier. Also my job is very varied and no two days are the same.
What is your most memorable moment in the team?
The most memorable team moment for me was when I completed the Race for Life in aid of St Nicholas Hospice in Bury St Edmunds a few years back, with Anna Foster and Debbie Holmes and also with Sharon Allison. Crossing that winning line in a reasonable time was very satisfying and I really felt part of the team that night.
What did you do before you joined Ashtons Legal?
Before I joined Ashtons Legal I worked with my husband, we ran our own double glazing company. I ran the Bury St Edmunds showroom.
If you weren’t working in the Court of Protection Team what might you have ended up doing?
Most of my working career has been office based so most likely I would have been working in an office. Although I have always dreamt of running my own tea room.
Tell us something people would be surprised to know about you.
Possibly not a lot of people know that I always have several things on my tick list to do. I have fulfilled many of them, but still have plenty to concur or achieve. I have completed a solo parachute jump from an aeroplane, I have climbed to the summit of Snowdon, swam with dolphins and have paraglided off a mountain in Turkey.
What is your favourite pastime outside of work?
Out of work I love holidays and spending time with family and friends.
What advice do you wish you could go back and give your younger self?
I have no regrets in life and have been blessed with a wonderful family and some dear friends. The only advice which I would go back and give to my younger self would have been to save more so that we could finish our mortgage and retire earlier to travel and see more of the world.
How can we help?
If you have an enquiry or you would like to find out more about our services, why not contact us?