Commercial property firms asked to show interest in Olympic site

  • Posted

Posted 27/09/2010

Businesses interested in occupying commercial property at the Olympic Park in London after the conclusion of the Games have been invited to put their names forward.

The Olympic Park Legacy Company has called for expressions of interest regarding the future use of the Broadcast and Press Centres at the east London side.

Set to host 20,000 members of the media during the 2012 event, the two buildings will be used to create a “new and vibrant employment district” in the aftermath of the Olympics, according to the organisation.

Interested parties have been given nine weeks from September 24th to submit their proposals for the buildings, which come with a 1,200-capacity car park.

“We want to bring interested parties to the table and understand how their proposals can fit in with our vision to create an employment district,” said Andrew Altman, chief executive of the Olympic Park Legacy Company.

Mayor of Hackney Jules Pipe described the Broadcast and Press Centres as the “leading commercial site on the Olympic Park”.

The Olympic Village is due to be converted into new homes for key workers after the Games, with other new properties made available elsewhere in the Park.


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