CIPD welcomes u-turn on paternity leave

  • Posted

Posted 01/06/2009

The government’s plans to revise some aspects of UK employment law have been welcomed by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).

According to the organisation, the news that plans to extend paternity leave are being shelved will be good news for British businesses.

This, it said, is because companies are already under considerable pressure as they cope with the economic downturn.

A similar reason was given by a spokesman for business secretary Lord Mandelson, who said it is necessary to review how appropriate it is to roll out certain regulations in the current climate.

Mike Emmott, employee relations adviser at the CIPD, commented: “What would have been cumbersome in good times could become the straw that breaks the camel’s back in a recession.”

Indeed, he warned that this could have damaged the long-term business case for a better work-life balance.

However, Mr Emmott added that the issue of paternity leave should not be sidelined completely, as more generous conditions could be introduced in the medium term.

The pledge to allow parent’s to share paid maternity leave for a year had been included in the 2005 election manifesto.


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