Boardroom quotas ‘should be considered’

  • Posted

Posted 25/05/2011

A change in employment law that would require firms to have a set number of women at boardroom level should be considered by the government, according to one expert.

Preethi Sundaram, policy and campaigns director at the Fawcett Society, explained that discrimination against females in the workplace is still a significant problem, with women earning on average a fifth less than men.

She added that the government’s current strategy of allowing businesses to regulate themselves on gender equality is not working and suggested action may be required.

While Ms Sundaram said quotas “might not be the popular choice,” she stated it may be necessary to address the “dismal stats” for females in the workplace.

“All the evidence shows it is the only sure fire way to ensure more women reach the boardroom,” she added.

However, the most recent report into boardroom equality, conducted by Lord Davies, stopped short of making such a recommendation, though it did call for 25 per cent of executive positions to be filled by females by 2015.


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