Baby’s hospital death prompts clinical negligence compensation claim

  • Posted

Posted 17/08/2010

A clinical negligence compensation claim has been launched by a mother whose baby died in hospital.

Marisa Sanders, 34, went into labour three days before she was scheduled to have a Caesarean section in August 2007, so took herself to the Princess Royal University Hospital in Kent, the Press Association reports.

However, she was left in a triage room for three hours without being checked because staff did not notice she was in labour.

When the distressed state of her baby was discovered, Ms Sanders claimed medics did not deliver him quickly enough, resulting in him being starved of oxygen.

Although Thomas Arben Deliu was resuscitated straight after his birth, he died two days later.

“To this day the overwhelming feeling of loss and grief at losing Thomas is indescribable,” Ms Sanders remarked.

She is taking legal action against South London Healthcare NHS Trust after an inquest ruled that neglect was a contributing factor in the baby’s death.

Anyone who believes they have been a victim of clinical negligence should seek the advice of a specialist solicitor as soon as possible, as such cases can be difficult to resolve alone.


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