Abusive email puts employer on the spot

  • Posted

Posted 31/03/2015

A company director found themselves the subject of a lot of press attention a few weeks ago when they sent an abusive rejection e-mail to an applicant who had been interviewed for a position as a self-employed labourer.

The email was sent to a 48 year old former serviceman, who was described in the e-mail as “an old, aesthetically challenged guy with no teeth”. The message was unpleasant throughout and went on to say: “You are not only the most inappropriate person for this job, but probably for any job you will spend the next few years applying for, only to get rejected as soon as they meet you.”

The company director said that she had been hurt and angered by the behaviour of the job applicant when she had met him. She said that it was a mistake that she sent her ‘rant’, saying that she had read an article suggesting that anger and upset could be released by writing down how one felt, but not sharing what was written. She said that she had written an appropriate email turning down the applicant for the job, but the two had become muddled and she had sent the wrong one.

This is an extreme example of what not to say. Whilst problems with performance in a work environment, for example, may involve some plain-speaking, it is important not to resort to personal attacks. There is a raft of legislation that could be breached by such a conversation, including the Equality Act, and getting it wrong can have expensive consequences.

In any discussion with a member of staff, whether a performance review or simply a general discussion about their role and responsibilities, it is very important to document what is said. An employer should also look at how anyone in the business with responsibility for staff management and interaction is properly trained in the right procedures. The Employment team of Ashtons Legal are experienced in providing training to staff on the policies and procedures of the business they work for – see https://www.ashtonslegal.co.uk/your-business/employment-law-for-employers/.


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