40% of employers ‘are not yet ready for new paternity leave legislation’

  • Posted

Posted 23/03/2011

New research has revealed that a high proportion of businesses are not yet ready for the implementation of new employment law regarding paternity leave.

After April 3rd 2011, new fathers will have the right to take up to 26 weeks of leave following the birth of a baby, as long as the mother has gone back to work with some of her maternity leave unused.

However, charity Working Families found that 40 per cent of businesses have not yet updated their policies to reflect this and the introduction of additional statutory paternity pay.

Furthermore, two-thirds of companies said they plan to give new fathers only statutory paternity pay, even though 65 per cent of these admitted they offer enhanced maternity pay for female workers.

Working Families chief executive Sarah Jackson said she is surprised to hear that so many employers are not ready for the change in the law, as giving fathers a better work-life balance can improve their loyalty to an organisation.

“Businesses that do right by fathers will reap the benefits,” she added.

In January, deputy prime minister Nick Clegg said he wants to move the UK away from its current “Edwardian” parental leave system that is causing families to suffer.


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